February 9, 2012

Habitat Challenge Quilt in Mod Circles

 Dallas Modern Quilt had a challenge sponsored with Habitat fabric by Jay McCarroll. I used an awesome pattern created by Lindsey Rhodes of LRstitched you can find here . The Moda Bakeshop featured  Mod Circles quilt is a wonderful way to use the  tiniest pieces (templates included in tutorial). It's 11:23pm, other wise I would have photographed this baby outside, however it's raining and gray skies in Dallas for at least a day.(Ignore the baby milk stained ottoman!)
 I hand quilted the petals inside the circle, something I have not done for a while. The rest is meandered using long side to side (pictured sideways...woops). The brown is a Bella solid, solids were the only fabric we could have used. Some used Bella Stone, white and grays.I chose brown to bring out the earthiness of the fabric collection, and the binding in Kona Pomegranite gives it the punch I was aiming for. Next time I plan to hand turn the petals in to see if i like the no raw edge better. But yes, I will be making another one of these!
 The back has some stacked coins to use up more of the challenge fabric.
 I hope Lindsey is proud. Happy sewing!

Swap pouch for Dallas Modern Quilt Guild

 Dallas Modern Quilt Guild members swapped pouches. Instructed to use the tutorial on Noodlehead's site here, I made mine in some Tufted Tweets fabric with a little bit of dots for a small pocket. I might have to replicate this one for the keys/sunglasses/phone I always lose. Happy sewing!